Solution for Organizing Your Closet
Why do you feel discouraged when you think you need to organize your clothes? Isn’t it simply because of the sheer volume? And are you trying to do it all at once?
You bought a new shirt because what you have now is getting worn out, but you couldn’t get rid of the old one either. You bought a new coat, but again you couldn’t let the old one disposed because you know you paid a lot for it. And so it goes on and on. You feel you have to do something about your overflown closet, but you don’t know where to start. Do you have such a problem?
Everyone has their own way of organizing the clothes. Some people recommend taking out all the clothes at once and putting back only the ones you like, but this is impossible, at least for me.
Just the thought of taking out all the clothes in the house is daunting. That’s because it’s a terribly large amount. If you divide them into little units and organize them one by one, it won’t be a burden. If you get tired and want to stop in the middle, you can stop immediately.
The next time you want to start again, you can do so immediately. In other words, you are no longer bothered with the large amount of your clothes.
So I decided to organize them by use. What I mean by “use” is, first, jackets, then tops, then bottoms, and so on.
Jackets and Some Other Outer Wear
Jackets, coats and something others you slip on are clothing you cannot clean yourself but take to the cleaner’s. They are not so many in numbers like other casual wear. This is an easy unit to start with because there are far fewer of them than others. First of all, take out all the jackets you have: formal wear to the things you wear when you go for a walk. This can be done quite easily even if your storage space is scattered all over the house, because there are not that many items.
Probably all of them are on hangers, so hang them so that you can see them without laying them out on the floor. This is because you can easily compare and sort.
In my case, I was surprised at how much I found. By the time I took them out of the closet, I had six items that I thought, “Oh, I’ll never wear that”. They were taking up so much space.
I also noticed some cardigans on hangers next to the jackets, but I sorted them and put them in the “bag” for what I don’t wear anymore.
The action of “taking out” helped me to grasp what I have now in the closet.

Have you come this far with me? Then the next one is easy.
There are many different types of tops, such as sweaters, T-shirts, cardigans, and so on. It’s hard to take them all out at once. So here again, you can divide the units into smaller group such as sweaters today, or just T-shirts the next time.
The key is to decide the volume in advance what you can work with .
But even if you say just sweaters, you may end up organizing all your tops, including long-sleeved T-shirts and cardigans which you store in the same place. If you can do that, that’s great! But the important thing is to set a guideline for today, so that you can continue without strain. If you can do more than your goal, you’ll know that you did your best.
Once you’ve sorted out what to keep and what to get rid of, it’s time to store them.
If you have enough space, it is better to put light cardigans on hangers so that they are not wrinkled when you wear them. If you are storing them in a drawer, roll or fold them according to the height of the drawer just like below.

This way, when you open a drawer, you can see at a glance where everything is.
If you put them on top of each other, you have to pull them out and may end up with a mess.
This is a little off topic, but here’s a tip for putting soft items like cardigans on hangers.
You‘ve come this far, you’re almost there!
The ideal way to store pants is to roll them up or fold them small like tops, but it’s surprisingly troublesome. So I fold them in half and stack them on top of each other. The material is strong, so no problem. However, for soft fabrics, I recommend putting them on hangers to avoid wrinkles.
Use special hangers for skirts, of course.
The key to storing them is to keep them in the same length. That way, you can hang them on low places and use the space efficiently.

How was it?
Don’t try to organize everything at once. If you can do even a little of this, that’s good. When you are used to it or have a lot of energy, you might be able to go through it all at once.
Don’t try to organize it all at once; if you break it down into smaller units, it won’t be so painful. Find the right amount for you to work.
・It is easier to start with a small number of jackets. Hanging them on hangers makes it easier to compare and sort.
・If you have a large number of tops, you can further divide them into small units like sweaters and T-shirts.
・Bottoms: Skirts can be stored in matching lengths to create unexpected space. Pants made of stiff fabric can be folded and stacked.
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