“I want a new mourning dress”, my mom said. She was already at mid-80s at that time.
Why does she need a new one now?
She has one already, a very nice one. Why? And how many times would she have opportunities to wear that (sorry mom) if she gets a new one? She should look into her closet first. That was my frank impression when I heard that.
How terrible I was! I should have listened to her more closely and kindly. This is one of the big regrets I have now. And this was a start for me to write the blog.
After she passed away, I found in her closet a new mourning dress with a new tag on it.
Because I instantly opposed her request, she went to buy a new one by herself despite her health condition was terribly bad.
I tidied up her closet, and I found here and there small traces she wanted to spend the rest of her life clean and decluttered. And those traces were treasure hints for tidying up.
5 Good Things About Tidying Up When You Get Older
If you tidy up when you get older, you can:
- lighten physical burden
- avoid danger
- take your time to face your things
- be positive
- reduce financial waste
Let’s see what they mean.
Lightens physical burden
I have no inconvenience! I’m totally fine. There’s nothing I can do better. Is that what you think? But true?
When you look around yourself very carefully, you will realize you are just used to small inconveniences. Simple relocation or just changing the orders will make your life very comfortable and convenient.
For instance, if you relocate your cups and pots in the kitchen, you will reach a cup just by stretching your arm instead of tiptoeing for a high shelf. Or you will easily take out a heavy pot without squatting and getting away things in front. See? Small changes will surely lightens your physical burden.
It wasn’t nothing when you were young, but when you get older・・sigh.
Avoid danger
One of my friends sighs about her parents’ house, because there are so many things cluttered on the floor.
Jackets, bags, shopping bags with things still inside, also water plastic bottles here and there. It is unbelievable for my friend, but for her mother it is easier than putting into a closet or taking out from a shelf, because things are blocking the doors and shelves in her house. She is just buried in “things”!
So, when she needs to go to her kitchen, she must take a zigzag course. She also has to get away things first in front of cupboard when she wants to take out a plate. So she uses the same plate everyday which is never put back in the cupboard but placed on the table.
This is a very dangerous situation especially for elder people. If she stumbled at something, she would get seriously injured or bone broken. Or something may fall onto her.
Decluttering and tidying up is therefore indispensable action for everyone to live safely.
Take time to face your things
You must have been very busy when you were young, children raising, working…but now, you have a plenty of time! There is no way not to make use of it.
You are no more restricted by time. So you don’t have to declutter at once. You can take your time, which means you will have time to face your things. For instance, you can closely face and select your memories like photos and maybe your children’s works.
Recently, the idea of “pre-departure decluttering” is spreading. That is not the idea of “preparation for dying”. That is “to enjoy the rest of your life positively in clean and decluttered circumstances.” Don’t you think “now” is that timing?
Be positive
“Positive? By decluttering? “
No exerggeration!
If your house is clean and cozy, you will surely invite people to your house. But if not, you will meet someone outside to avoid your friends stepping into your messy house. Oh, but what a bother to go out. After all, you end up spending a whole day in your messy house.
But if you could invite people, you will think about what kind of “Omotenashi” you can do, tea, flower, maybe a nice fragrance. Yes, your life will be POSITIVE.
It is said that the people make sloppy decisions when surrounded by untidy and disorderly space.
When you want to start something and if you were in a messy place, you have to start from decluttering before you begin what you want to do. But if you were in a tidy situation, you can instantly make a start. There’s a big difference already.
Your daughter’s family or friends might also visit you more frequently.
Reduce financial burden
A pile of plastic wraps, toilet rolls and empty bins, which are very commonly and frequently seen in parents’ house. Why do they buy sugars and sauces though they still have plenty? Another common scene.
Why do they do that? Because they don’t know how much they have in the house; quantity of stocks. They are anxious of not holding enough stocks. If they knew how much and how many they have, they can surely reduce unnecessary shopping.
Also, if you know what you have in your closet, you will know what you should add to your clothing collection. You won’t buy something similar again. In other words, no more wasteful shopping reduce your financial burden.
In the End
What do you think?
I’m getting close to my mother’s age. And I’ve come to realize how hard to clean up. I used to do all my housework at once, but now I do it little by little.
I think there is a way of cleaning up that can be done now, and a way of cleaning up that should be done now.
But don’t be in a hurry. Don’t be perfect. Slowly, and little by little. And I realized this way of tidying up is not the only way for elder people. If you are not good at perfection, you can also follow this method.
I’m going to write about “loose” tidying up by recalling my interactions with my mother, hoping them to be some tips.
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