You cannot avoid “discarding” when you tidy up your home.
BUT it’s not that easy to throw them away. They are not broken or old, but you cannot go on with tidying up without discarding them.
“What should I do?” You repeat asking yourself this question again and again while you do tidying up.
But please do know that discarding does not only mean to “throw away.” If you think it as “departing with your things” or “let it go”, you might feel better.
And if do have choices, it would be much easier to let it go. Please find your OWN way!
How and Where to Discard Things You Don’t Need Any More
Get Bought in Recycle Shop

Before you think about “throwing away”, please stop and remember a recycle shop in your neighbor.
If you are lucky, your things will be changed into some coins instead of being trash. That is a contribute to the garbage reduction. Two birds at one stone! So don’t be lazy and visit a shop!
BUT! There are many kinds of recycle shops.
Some of them buy only almost new things. Some of them take over junks like you got as giveaway. If there are a plural recycle shops in your neighbor, I recommend you to visit them beforehand. And it is important to have knowledge of the shops: what kinds of things they would take over.
You may find things on the shelf which you didn’t expect to be priced. “Well then, I can bring my things here. They maybe priced, too!” But please be aware that there is a big difference between selling prices and purchase prices, so never expect too much.
Usually, the purchase prices are something like JPY10 to 20. Yes, only that much. But why don’t you think coins are better than “throwing away.”
(Oh, I paid high money for that jacket! I still cannot banish such an evil thought from my mind though.)

You will find various sites for donation over internet. Sometimes to overseas organization and sometimes to domestic NPOs. Clothes, shoes, towels and linens, etc. In most cases, you have to burden the shipping fee by yourself, but still, you can contribute to the society.
If there is a church in you neighbor, go and ask whether they are running some welfare activities and collecting clothes and others. They will always welcome you more than you think.
Dont’ you think it is much better your things being used by someone than sleeping in your closet for years?
Ref: The Japan Relief Clothing Center
Sell at auction

Yahoo Auction and Mercari are common, but you need some techniques.
Yahoo Auction is literally an auction, so when there are many bidders, the price will rise. In Mercari, you put up at a fixed price, so it’s only “sold” or “not sold”.
As Yahoo requires a strict registration in the first place, Mercari maybe easier to start.
In either case, you can sell your things at your own prices if you don’t have any allergy against internet trading. Once your are used to the system, you will able to sell at quite satisfactory prices.
But you might need some experiences of failure to get tips! So start from a small thing.
Give away to someone who wants
If there is someone who wants or who needs things you don’ need anymore, it is a good way to give them away to her (him). But never force your value at the same time like “I paid high money for this, so use carefully, etc. etc.” That may break the relationship between you and your friends.
Ask a specialist

The most difficult things to discard are like traditional dolls and stuffed dolls. Not only because they are traditional, but they also have your memories, so you cannot treat them as trashes with garbage.
Even recycle shops refuse to take them, or you cannot give them away to someone else.
Don’t worry! There are specialists for these things. They take over dolls and discard them after purification ceremony.
I myself had two sets of “Ohinasama” dolls, and kept them for years in my closet. One day I happened to know a specialist and requested a special way of discard. Though it cost around JPY3,000, I felt so relieved being free from “what I couldn’t let go”. I wished if I had known them much earlier.
The procedure is carried on by some specialist organization or sometimes by temples.
Leave it to someone you know
If you try to discard things, many distracting thoughts come up in you mind. “Yes, I still need this.”, “Mottanai to throw away”, etc. etc. Then, why don’t you leave everything to someone you know. That is another way. She or he can discard them on behalf of you.
The “someone” can be your daughter, friend or anybody. The point is you cannot see the things anymore and be released from them. But one important rule is “NEVER blame what and how she (he) had done”, because you trusted her (him) and asked her (him). So everything is up to her (him) now.
Well, did you find your own way of discarding? Then, start now and be free!
In the end
- Get bought in recycle shop
Visit the shop beforehand and see what are sold.
Think coins are better than “throwing away”. - Donate
Think you contribute to the society. - Sell at Auction
- Give away to someone you know
Don’t push your value. - Find a specialist
Specialist will discard after purification ceremony. - Leave to someone you know
Don’t blame someone you trusted.
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